37 research outputs found

    A q-rung orthopair fuzzy GLDS method for investment evaluation of BE angel capital in China

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    As a generalized form of both intuitionistic fuzzy set and Pythagorean fuzzy sets, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) has strong ability to handle uncertain or imprecision decisionmaking problems. This paper aims to introduce a new multiple criteria decision making method based on the original gain and lost dominance score (GLDS) method for investment evaluation. To do so, we first propose a new distance measure of q-rung orthopair fuzzy numbers (q-ROFNs), which takes into account the hesitancy degree of q-ROFNs. Subsequently, two methods are developed to determine the weights of DMs and criteria, respectively. Next, the original GLDS method is improved from the aspects of dominance flows and order scores of alternatives to address the multiple criteria decision making problems with q-ROFS information. Finally, a case study concerning the investment evaluation of the BE angle capital is given to illustrate the applicability and superiority of the proposed method

    Spatial Uncertainty-Aware Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting

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    Semi-supervised approaches for crowd counting attract attention, as the fully supervised paradigm is expensive and laborious due to its request for a large number of images of dense crowd scenarios and their annotations. This paper proposes a spatial uncertainty-aware semi-supervised approach via regularized surrogate task (binary segmentation) for crowd counting problems. Different from existing semi-supervised learning-based crowd counting methods, to exploit the unlabeled data, our proposed spatial uncertainty-aware teacher-student framework focuses on high confident regions' information while addressing the noisy supervision from the unlabeled data in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, we estimate the spatial uncertainty maps from the teacher model's surrogate task to guide the feature learning of the main task (density regression) and the surrogate task of the student model at the same time. Besides, we introduce a simple yet effective differential transformation layer to enforce the inherent spatial consistency regularization between the main task and the surrogate task in the student model, which helps the surrogate task to yield more reliable predictions and generates high-quality uncertainty maps. Thus, our model can also address the task-level perturbation problems that occur spatial inconsistency between the primary and surrogate tasks in the student model. Experimental results on four challenging crowd counting datasets demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance to the state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods

    DTFD-MIL: Double-Tier Feature Distillation Multiple Instance Learning for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Classification

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    Multiple instance learning (MIL) has been increasingly used in the classification of histopathology whole slide images (WSIs). However, MIL approaches for this specific classification problem still face unique challenges, particularly those related to small sample cohorts. In these, there are limited number of WSI slides (bags), while the resolution of a single WSI is huge, which leads to a large number of patches (instances) cropped from this slide. To address this issue, we propose to virtually enlarge the number of bags by introducing the concept of pseudo-bags, on which a double-tier MIL framework is built to effectively use the intrinsic features. Besides, we also contribute to deriving the instance probability under the framework of attention-based MIL, and utilize the derivation to help construct and analyze the proposed framework. The proposed method outperforms other latest methods on the CAMELYON-16 by substantially large margins, and is also better in performance on the TCGA lung cancer dataset. The proposed framework is ready to be extended for wider MIL applications. The code is available at: https://github.com/hrzhang1123/DTFD-MI

    Dual Consistency Enabled Weakly and Semi-Supervised Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation with Dual Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks.

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    Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that results in permanent vision loss, and the vertical cup to disc ratio (vCDR) in colour fundus images is essential in glaucoma screening and assessment. Previous fully supervised convolution neural networks segment the optic disc (OD) and optic cup (OC) from color fundus images and then calculate the vCDR offline. However, they rely on a large set of labeled masks for training, which is expensive and time-consuming to acquire. To address this, we propose a weakly and semi-supervised graph-based network that investigates geometric associations and domain knowledge between segmentation probability maps (PM), modified signed distance function representations (mSDF), and boundary region of interest characteristics (B-ROI) in three aspects. Firstly, we propose a novel Dual Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network (DAGCN) to reason the long-range features of the PM and the mSDF w.r.t. the regional uniformity. Secondly, we propose a dual consistency regularization-based semi-supervised learning paradigm. The regional consistency between the PM and the mSDF, and the marginal consistency between the derived B-ROI from each of them boost the proposed model's performance due to the inherent geometric associations. Thirdly, we exploit the task-specific domain knowledge via the oval shapes of OD & OC, where a differentiable vCDR estimating layer is proposed. Furthermore, without additional annotations, the supervision on vCDR serves as weakly-supervisions for segmentation tasks. Experiments on six large-scale datasets demonstrate our model's superior performance on OD & OC segmentation and vCDR estimation. The implementation code has been made available 1

    Shape-Aware Weakly/Semi-Supervised Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation with Regional/Marginal Consistency

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    Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease that permanently impairs vision. Vertical cup to disc ratio (vCDR) is essential for glaucoma screening. Thus, accurately segmenting the optic disc (OD) and optic cup (OC) from colour fundus images is essential. Previous fully-supervised methods achieved accurate segmentation results; then, they calculated the vCDR with offline post-processing step. However, a large set of labeled segmentation images are required for the training, which is costly and time-consuming. To solve this, we propose a weakly/semi-supervised framework with the benefits of geometric associations and specific domain knowledge between pixel-wise segmentation probability map (PM), geometry-aware modified signed distance function representations (mSDF), and local boundary region of interest characteristics (B-ROI). Firstly, we propose a dual consistency regularisation based semi-supervised paradigm, where the regional and marginal consistency benefits the proposed model from the objects’ inherent region and boundary coherence of a large amount of unlabeled data. Secondly, for the first time, we exploit the domain-specific knowledge between the boundary and region in terms of the perimeter and area of an oval shape of OD & OC, where a differentiable vCDR estimating module is proposed for the end-to-end training. Thus, our model does not need any offline post-process to generate vCDR. Furthermore, without requiring any additional laborious annotations, the supervision on vCDR can serve as a weakly-supervision for OD & OC region and boundary segmentation. Experiments on six large-scale datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised approaches for segmentation of the optic disc and optic cup, and estimation of vCDR for glaucoma assessment in colour fundus images, respectively. The implementation code is made available. (https://github.com/smallmax00/Share_aware_Weakly-Semi_ODOC_seg

    The spatial pattern and influencing factors of tourism development in the Yellow River Basin of China.

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    With the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and the national strategy of "Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development in the Yellow River Basin", the tourism development of the Yellow River basin of China is facing important opportunity. However, the spatial differences of tourism economy and the unbalanced development of interprovincial resources has become a threat for the sustainable development of the basin. By using the statistical data from 2003 to 2018, this paper aims to identify the numerical feature and spatial patterns of tourism development in the Yellow River Basin from the aspects of tourist volume (domestic tourists and inbound tourists) and tourism income (income from domestic tourism and inbound tourism) at provincial and prefectural scales. Analysis of spatial autocorrelation reveals significant clusters and outliers of tourist volume and tourism income at prefectural scale. Location condition, terrain condition, culture resources, regional policies, the interregional relationship and tourism infrastructure were the main factors influencing the spatial differences of tourism development in the Yellow River Basin. The study could offer useful information for the regional tourism management in the Yellow River Basin

    The Construction of Ecological Security Patterns in Coastal Areas Based on Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment—A Case Study of Jiaodong Peninsula, China

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    Increasing land utilization, population aggregation and strong land–sea interaction make coastal areas an ecologically fragile environment. The construction of an ecological security pattern is important for maintaining the function of the coastal ecosystem. This paper takes Jiaodong Peninsula in China, a hilly coastal area, as an example for evaluating landscape ecological risk within a comprehensive framework of “nature–neighborhood–landscape”, based on spatial principal component analysis, and it constructs the ecological security pattern based on the minimum cumulative resistance model (MCR). The results showed that the overall level of ecological risk in the study area was medium. The connectivity between the areas of low landscape ecological risk was relatively low, and the high risk areas were concentrated in the north of the Peninsula. A total of 11 key ecological corridors of three types (water, green space and road corridors) and 105 potential corridors were constructed. According to the ecological network pattern, landscape ecological optimization suggestions were proposed: key corridors in the north and south of Jiaodong Peninsula should be connected; urban development should consider current ecological sources and corridors to prevent landscape fragmentation; and the ecological roles of potential corridors should be strengthened. This paper can provide a theoretical and practical basis for ecological planning and urban master planning in coastal areas in the future